If this month is May or November, you will notice a difference in your bill from the previous month (April or October) because of the California Climate Credit. This credit is applied twice a year, in April and October. Many customers believe their lower bill is a result of the weather changing during these months, and in part it is, but this credit can be up to $80 if you receive both gas and electric service from PG&E and so significantly reduces your bill. For more information on the California Climate Credit, visit us online.
Articles in this section
- What is PG&E doing to make rates and bills more affordable?
- Where can I find and download a copy of my current bill?
- Why did I get a letter informing me I was under or over billed?
- Why did my PG&E bill change?
- Why did I get another bill after I stopped service?
- How can I monitor my bill during the month?
- Why am I being charged a delivery charge?
- Why is my bill so much higher this month over last month?
- Why is my bill so high?
- I just moved into a new home. Can I get an average bill cost?