Generally, your fumigation company will give you an estimated date and time for when the fumigation is expected to be complete. Once the company has posted the Notice of Re-entry on your property, certifying the building is safe for occupancy, PG&E can turn your gas service on and check your gas appliances for safety. Your fumigation company may want you to schedule the gas turn on, as someone often needs to be present to provide the PG&E representative access to the premises. You can use the online “Fumigation – Stop or Start Gas Service" email to request the turn on, or call 1-800-743-5000 (residential) or 1-800-468-4743 (non-residential). Typical appointment times are in four hour blocks.
Note that:
- The Notice of Re-entry must be posted before PG&E will turn your service back on. Your fumigation company may not post the notice until late on the day that fumigation is scheduled to complete. Leave some time between when the notice should be posted, and your PG&E appointment.
- Appointments should be requested at least two business days in advance.
What is the cost to me for turning my gas service off and on?
There is no charge to you from PG&E for this service.
Why can’t I or my fumigation company turn off the gas?
Under the regulations of the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC), only PG&E or its certified contractors are authorized to operate the natural gas service shut-off valve. Fumigation contractors are not authorized to perform these services.