If you have received a notification that your area is on watch for a potential PSPS event, there are many activities you can do to prepare your home and family. If you are reliant on Medical or Life Saving equipment, you should always have a backup plan in place for these devices in case of an outage. If you have a generator, make sure it is fueled up, you have access to additional fuel if needed, and you have necessary hook ups to provide power for essential equipment.
For those that don't have a generator, one of the most common concerns surrounding long outages is refrigerated food. To keep your food from spoiling, fill empty containers with water and freeze them prior to an event. Full fridges and freezers retain their cold temperature longer. Limit the number of times you go into these items to keep a colder temperature.
We always suggest keeping flash lights handy and making sure you have extra batteries available for them. Charge your wireless devices before the outage and try to limit your time on these devices so they remain charged for notifications. For additional preparation ideas, visit our Prepare for a PSPS page for a detailed list of things you'll need to consider for preparing for your health and safety during an extended outage due to a PSPS event or wildfire.