If you received a letter indicating you need to verify your income, you can do so online. You can upload your income documentation online by logging into Your Account. Once logged in, a red alerts banner will appear across the top; click "Show More" to open additional alerts. If income verification is required, you will see a message requesting you to submit the documents. Follow the steps through the link to complete your income verification.
If you aren't able to complete the process online, follow the instructions on the letter by listing all members of your household. Complete the form. Then, provide copies of income documents for every member of your household with an income. When you are finished, mail or fax the completed form and documents to the CARE program in the envelope provided.
As a courtesy, a reminder call is made 15 days after the verification letter is mailed. The call reminds you that you are required to provide income documents to remain on the CARE Program.
For more information on how to provide income documents online, go to our Get Discounts on Your PG&E Bill page.