When you authorize a company to access your energy usage information, PG&E will share your electric interval usage data for your selected account numbers and associated Service Agreements (SAs). PG&E provides the usage data at the same granularity as collected for billing purposes, which is generally hourly for residential customers. The energy usage data includes up to 48 months of historical interval usage data and, if designated by you, on-going access to next-day interval usage until the end date you have specified.
Please note: Companies must retrieve the customer data for a given day within five days of it being made available. PG&E will also indicate your billing start and end dates, and what data is revenue quality (i.e., used or acceptable for billing purposes).
Visit our Share My Data for Residential Customers page to authorize access to your data and get more information.
If you have questions or comments, please email our team at ShareMyData@pge.com.