Outages and Safety
General Safety
- How do I report unsafe driving by PG&E personnel?
- What are the features of the "Report It" app?
- What is PG&E's "Report It" app?
- How do I prevent my meter from being damaged in my driveway?
- What should I pack in an emergency kit?
- How do I prepare my children for an emergency?
Tree Trimming/Vegetation Management
- How do I create defensible space around my home to stop the spread of wildfires?
- Do you offer wood chips customers can use for mulch?
- Does PG&E offer dirt or soil to the public?
- Is PG&E required to get my signature to remove trees?
- PG&E damaged my tree while trimming it and now I want it removed; how do I do that?
- Why does PG&E only chip wood that is less than four inches in diameter?
Electric Safety
- Can I install a generator?
- I have a water leak; how do I turn off my electricity?
- What frequency in the electromagnetic spectrum do PG&E’s SmartMeters operate?
- How do I report possible energy theft?
- I think my neighbor caused an energy surge. What should I do?
- I received a door hanger about an energy surge in my area. What happens if I don’t call PG&E?
Gas Safety
- I am concerned about my gas stove. How can PG&E help?
- I received a letter telling me to relocate a ground wire from my gas meter. Who can safely remove an improperly placed ground wire on the gas meter?
- I received a letter telling me to relocate a ground wire from my gas meter. Why am I responsible for relocating the ground wire from your gas meter?
- Why did I receive a letter telling me I need to move a ground wire?
- What is mandated safety work (Orange Notice)?
- How can I prepare for an earthquake?
Rotating Outages
- What's the process for restoring power following a rotating outage?
- Can you target cooler areas to shed load for a rotating outage, to not impact people in extreme heat areas?
- How does PG&E determine which customers lose power in the event of a CAISO Stage 3 emergency?
- If rotating outages are called, how will I know if/when it’s my turn? How long do they last?
- What is a Stage 3 Emergency and why does it result in customers losing power?
- How do you decide who is affected by rolling blackouts?
EPSS/Wildfire Mitigation
- Why is PG&E installing Surge Arresters?
- What is a surge arrester?
- Why does the Enhanced Power Line Safety Setting cause the outage to last longer?
- Are Enhanced Power Line Safety Settings only located in High Fire Threat areas?
- Why did PG&E add the Enhanced Power Line Safety Setting?
- What are the cons of the Enhanced Power Line Safety Setting?
Outage Map
- My address does not come up on the outage map, what do I do?
- Do I need a login to look for outage information?
- How do I look for an outage if I don’t have a PG&E account?
- I just reported an outage. Why don’t I see it on the map?
- Can I search for outages within a city?
- Can I search for outages that aren’t mine?
Public Safety Power Shutoff (PSPS)
- What is a public safety power shutoff or PSPS event?
- How will I be notified if a Public Safety Power Shutoff becomes necessary?
- Why is there a PSPS event?
- How can I get real-time updates during a PSPS event?
- How do I prepare for a PSPS event?
- How do I sign up for Public Safety Power Shutoff (PSPS) alerts?
FAQs - Outages
- What do I do if my lights are flickering?
- Am I being charged for usage while my power is out?
- What can I do to prepare for a storm?
- What does PG&E use when an outage requires patrolling?
- My power is out but no one else is out; what can I do?
- What do I do if there is no gas?