Billing, Payments, and Financial Assistance
Energy Savings Assistance Program (ESAP)
- Is there an energy saving program for all residential PG&E customers?
- Where can I get information on the smart thermostat rebate?
- What is the Relief for Energy Assistance through Community Help (REACH) program?
- What is the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP)?
- What is the Energy Savings Assistance Program?
- What will be provided through the Energy Savings Assistance program?
- Will PG&E forgive all or a portion of my owed balance?
- How do I sign up for AMP?
- Can a tenant participate in the Arrearage Management Plan (AMP)?
- What is the Arrearage Management Plan (AMP)?
- Who can participate in AMP?
- Can I be on another payment plan and enroll in AMP?
- Which generators qualify for a rebate?
- Can I apply for multiple rebates?
- Do you offer rebates or discounts on generators?
- Can I update or change my rebate application?
- Do you offer a rebate on water heaters?
- What browser do I use on the rebate application?
Discounts and Other Programs
- How is PG&E partnering with the Dollar Energy Fund to provide funding for REACH?
- Where can I find the list of generators compatible with the backup power transfer meter (BPTM)?
- Does PG&E offer a senior discount?
- Where can I see what discounts programs I am enrolled in?
- What is the status of my Backup Power Transfer Meter application?
- What Is CAPP Funding?
Payment Arrangements
- How can I set up a pay plan?
- How do I know what I am supposed to pay if I have a payment arrangement?
- What happens if I miss a payment for the COVID Relief Payment Plan?
- How do the payment installments for the COVID Relief Payment Plan show up on my monthly bill?
- How are the payment installments calculated for the COVID Relief Payment Plan?
- Will my Covid Relief Pay Plan cancel if I miss a payment?
CARE/FERA Discount
- How do I verify my income online for the CARE program?
- How do I renew the CARE/FERA program online?
- Where can I find the CARE/FERA application online?
- How much do I have to make to qualify for FERA?
- How much do I have to make to qualify for CARE?
- I am a sub-metered tenant; how do I know if my CARE discount has been applied to my bill?
Medical Baseline Allowance
- I am a sub-metered tenant; how do I know if my Medical Baseline Allowance has been applied to my bill?
- Will my Medical Baseline Allowance transfer to my new address?
- I currently have medical baseline for electricity, and now qualify for gas, what do I do?
- Someone in my household uses insulin that needs to be refrigerated, can we qualify for Medical Baseline?
- Can I qualify for the Medical Baseline Allotment if I am a Tenant?
- I own two homes and split my time. Can I have medical baseline at both addresses?
Shut Off and Restoral
- How do I turn my service back on if it has been shut off for non-payment?
- It is after hours and my power has been shut off for non-payment; how do I get my power back on now?
- My service will be shut off today, can I still make a payment and avoid being shut off?
- I got a shut off notice, can I pay an overdue bill online?
Making a Payment
- Will my recurring payment still process if I change the payment account?
- How do I make a payment online?
- Why does my online dashboard have the message "This account is not eligible for online payments using a bank account?"
- Where can I pay my bill?
- What is the difference between auto pay and recurring payments?
- How do I stop my auto pay?
Your Energy Statement
- What makes up my PG&E bill?
- Why is the California Climate Credit on my bill this month?
- Why won't the PDF copy of my bill download?
- How can I tell which charges belong to a specific meter or address if I have more than one?
- What information is on page one of my bill?
- Why do I see another company listed on my PG&E bill?
Payment History
- How can I cancel a payment?
- Why am I still being charged after I stopped service?
- Do I have to pay late fees on my past due bill?
- When will my payment be posted?
- I received a shut off notice, when will I be shut off?
- How much do you charge for a returned payment?
- Where does the money I pay PG&E go?
- Why is my local PG&E office closed?
- Why don't I get a return envelope with my bill?
- Does PG&E have an app for viewing and maintaining my account?
- What is the limit of cash I can pay on my account?
- Why doesn’t my bill show my recurring payment?
Billing Programs
- My bill seems high. How can I control my energy costs?
- What is Budget Billing?
- How do I sign up for Budget Billing?
- Is there a fee to enroll in Budget Billing?
- I just enrolled in Budget Billing. When will it take effect?
- How do you determine what my monthly bill will be on Budget Billing?
Bill FAQs
- What is PG&E doing to make rates and bills more affordable?
- Where can I find and download a copy of my current bill?
- Why did I get a letter informing me I was under or over billed?
- Why did my PG&E bill change?
- Why did I get another bill after I stopped service?
- How can I monitor my bill during the month?