Public Safety Power Shutoff (PSPS)
- What is a public safety power shutoff or PSPS event?
- How will I be notified if a Public Safety Power Shutoff becomes necessary?
- Why is there a PSPS event?
- How can I get real-time updates during a PSPS event?
- How do I prepare for a PSPS event?
- How do I sign up for Public Safety Power Shutoff (PSPS) alerts?
- The estimated time of restoral keeps changing during the PSPS event, why?
- Does PG&E offer rides to Community Resource Centers during a PSPS event?
- How can I find the closest Community Resource Center to me during a PSPS?
- What is the difference between a PSPS event and a Rotating Outage?
- Will my gas be impacted during a PSPS event?
- Where can I go to get out of the heat during a PSPS event?
- I have solar, will my power shut down during a PSPS event?
- I didn't get a PSPS notification, but my power went out, what should I do?
- How will PG&E notify me if a PSPS is cancelled? Can my power still go out?
- I got a notification after a PSPS that my power is back on, but it's not. What do I do?
- I'm a medical customer, how will I be notified of PSPS events? How can I stop PSPS notifications?
- My location is served by Temporary Generation (microgrid). What does that mean?
- Why didn’t you notify me of a Public Safety Power Shutoff (PSPS)?
- It is cold outside. Why are there still Public Safety Power Shutoff (PSPS) events?
- Why do we get updates only once a day for PSPS?
- We have had undergrounding/system hardening done in our neighborhood. Why are we still experiencing PSPS events?
- PG&E said I wasn’t going to be impacted by a Public Safety Power Shutoff and I was turned off. Why?
- It was windy this winter and you didn’t turn off my power for a Public Safety Power Shutoff (PSPS). Why?
- It isn’t windy at my house. Why did my power get shutoff?
- Why is my power off, but not my neighbor’s?
- Why don’t you just underground all the lines?
- What time are PSPS events expected to happen?
- We never used to have PSPS and we were fine. What changed?
- Is PSPS necessary due to the lack of grid maintenance?